08 Nov Health & Wellbeing Newsletter – November 2021
November Health and Wellbeing News – 16 Days of Activism
What is the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence?
‘The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’ is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. It is used as a prevention and awareness strategy by individuals and/or organisations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
Fast Facts

16 ways to #callitout
What to do when you hear or see sexist, disrespectful or sexually harassing behaviour
- Don’t laugh at sexist jokes.
- Give a disapproving look to show a behaviour or statement is not okay. Shake your head or roll your eyes.
- Leave a pointed and uncomfortable silence.
- Make a light-hearted comment: “What century are you living in?”
- Check in with the person affected: “I heard what he just said – are you okay?”
- Privately let them know the behaviour is not okay: “The joke you made in yesterday’s meeting was not funny, and actually not okay.”
- Calmly disagree and state that the comment is wrong or unacceptable: “I know you probably didn’t mean it, but I found what you said to be offensive.”
- Speak up and educate by explaining why you disagree: “Actually evidence shows the vast majority of women do not make up false claims of sexual assault”.
- Challenge the logic: “That’s not my experience.” or “What makes you think that?”
- Stand up for the person affected: “Michelle was saying something, and you cut her off again.”
- Make eye contact with the person affected – let them know you’re an ally.
- Show your emotion: “It actually makes me sad / uncomfortable when you say that.”
- Support others when they call it out: “I agree, that’s not funny.”
- Appeal to their better self: “Come on, you’re better than that.”
- Report the behaviour to management, or via incident reporting systems if available.
- Disrupt or distract the situation to redirect focus from the incident to something else.
Walk Against Family Violence 2021
Join people across Victoria to raise awareness and walk in solidarity with victim-survivors of family violence and violence against women, at the 13th Annual Walk Against Family Violence.
Help raise awareness of and take a stand against family violence and violence against women in our communities by participating in a local walk or “walk from home” event (adhering to COVID-19 restrictions).
Together, we can prevent family violence and violence against women. You can show your support for victim-survivors and help send a message across Victoria that family violence and violence against women is never okay by organising a walk, wearing orange, and sharing a video or photo from your walk using #WAFV2021, #WhyWeWalk and #WAFV hashtags on social media.
Head to the Safe Steps website to register and take part: https://safesteps.org.au/2021-wafv/

Support Services
If you believe someone is in immediate danger, call 000 and ask for the police. If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, help is available:
- SAFE STEPS (1800 015 188) – A confidential and supportive family violence response line for Victoria. Phone services available 24/7 – www.safesteps.org.au.
- 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) – The national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service. Phone and online services available 24/7. www.1800respect.org.au.
- MENS LINE (1300 78 99 78) – Professional support and information service for Australian men. Phone and online services available 24/7 – www.mensline.org.au.
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